Autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows
Autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows

autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows

By far my favorite feature of SketchBook Pro for sketching is the new Perspective Tool. SketchBook runs great on the latest Surface Pro and having a fully pressure sensitive drawing/sketching experience out of the box is awesome. First off, the 12” display on Surface Pro 3 is perfect for creative pursuits on the go. SketchBook Pro running on my Surface Pro 3 has allowed me to go digital.

autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows

In the past I have used a 9×12 sketch pad and pencil.

autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows

When I have downtime and want to doodle it typically will involve planning floor plans, landscaping, building structures, and more. It sounds silly, but I have been working on my “dream home” for years. I have tackled a couple of personal projects where the new features of SketchBook Pro came in handy.

Autodesk sketchbook pro art software windows